International Applications

IP rights registered by ISIPO are only protected in Iceland. If you plan on manufacturing or selling goods and services abroad it is important to explore the options in registration in those markets.

You can register your rights in individual countries, use regional registration options that take to multiple countries or use WIPO´s international routes that can cover more than 190 countries worldwide.

WIPO has more than 190 member states.
WIPO has more than 190 member states.

An international application system makes it easier for applicants to file applications in many countries at once. However, the decision to grant protection always rests with the national or regional intellectual property office.

International Applications
A significant number of Icelandic entities use the international application system of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) in order to ensure protection in all of the world’s biggest markets. The ISIPO acts as an intermediary in international applications for trademarks, patents, and designs.

European Applications
At the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), applications can be filed for registering trademarks and designs in all EU member states. The European Patent Office (EPO) also accepts patent applications that can take effect in over 40 countries.